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Asia's Masonic Reformation: Freemasonry's Impact on the Westernization and Subsequent Modernization

Kristine Ohkubo


Shrouded by mystery, misinformation, and conspiracy, Freemasonry remains one of the least understood organizations of all time. It appears incomprehensible to most people because it contains a constantly evolving and adapting ideology defined by a commitment to universal brotherhood and self-improvement. Freemasonry is not governed by a single governing body but is made up of a loose network of groups, known as lodges, that fall under the jurisdiction of regional and national grand lodges.

As of this writing, the brotherhood consists of over six million members worldwide and has included some of the most powerful men in history.1 While Freemasonry has enjoyed unprecedented growth since its development in the 18th century, it still remains inaccessible to women (although other corresponding bodies, such as the Order of the Eastern Star, admit women who are wives and female relatives of Freemasons).

Two common beliefs endure among all Freemasons. The first is that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, country, and fraternity. The second is that each man has a responsibility to help make the world a better place. These beliefs have been the basis which have enabled Freemasons to be catalysts for change throughout history.

As Western culture and influence penetrated the far corners of the world, Freemasons were notably at the forefront, ushering in rapid change, modernization, and enlightenment. Was this merely coincidental, or was it by design?

I invite you to follow along and reach your own conclusion as I present you with details and irrefutable historical facts demonstrating how the West has had a profound influence on the collective and diverse customs and traditions maintained by the numerous ethnic groups of Asia. It is undeniable that where the West has left its footprints on the sands of time, the Freemasons have often had a presence.

Asia's Masonic Reformation: Freemasonry's Impact on the Westernization and Subsequent Modernization of Asia (2nd ed.) Paperback – due out January 1, 2023. You can pre-order your copy now:


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