Summer Chiller: Jiko Bukken – Finale

Yasu cautiously steps into the dimly lit bed chamber, his gaze darting around the room. The heavy curtains are drawn tightly, blocking out the sun's cleansing rays that would otherwise stream through the window. Without hesitation, his hand reaches out for the light switch, flicking it up and down repeatedly. A moment of confusion washes over him as he comes to the realization that the switch is not working.
His gaze shifts towards the bed positioned in the center of the room, only to discover it is empty, with nothing but the haphazardly arranged pillows and covers left behind. It appears that someone was really struggling to find some much-needed rest. As Yasu enters deeper into the room, he catches a fleeting glimpse of himself in the mirror hanging above the dresser. His heart races with fear, causing him to instinctively retreat. As he comes to the realization that what he sees is merely his own reflection, he musters up his courage and persists in his quest to find Jun.
The dresser drawers have been pulled open, their contents scattered recklessly across the floor. Was Jun trying to find something? If so, what was he looking for? Suddenly, the contents of the newspaper clippings flashes back to Yasu. A tie! A red tie had previously been used to hang each of the victims. Was Jun wearing a red tie? On each occasion they met, Jun’s attire was casual. The first time, he sported a polo shirt paired with khaki slacks, while the last time he opted for black dress pants and a short-sleeved button-down shirt. Yasu had never witnessed Jun donning a tie.
Reluctantly, he mustered the courage to peer into the closet. Curiosity consumed him as he yearned to discover whether Jun was inside. Yasu approached the closed closet doors with a sense of caution and trepidation. With his hand outstretched towards the handle, a shiver ran through his fingers, revealing a hint of vulnerability beneath his courageous façade. However, time was of the essence. With each passing moment, Jun's life hung in the balance.
With a deep breath, he slid the doors open in one grand sweep. The sight before him was so startling that he couldn't help but recoil in shock. Jun's limp body dangled from a red tie, swaying gently in the closet. Yasu narrowed his eyes, trying to get a clearer view of the closet. In that instant, he noticed that Jun's eyes were somewhat open. He appeared to part his lips slightly, as if on the verge of saying something.
There was a spark of life within him! Jun's heart continued to beat. Yasu hurriedly made his way to Jun's limp body, swiftly untying the vibrant red tie that had been fastened to the bar. With hands trembling, he possessed an unwavering determination to rescue Jun. He carefully moved Jun towards the bed, gently releasing the other end of the tie that had been tightly bound around his neck. Jun's breath was faint, but he clung to life. Yasu swiftly retrieved the phone from his pocket and anxiously dialed for assistance. With a foggy mind and trembling fingers, he struggled to recall the number and dial it on his phone. Yet, he somehow found a way. He successfully contacted the authorities and requested immediate medical assistance.
While he patiently awaited the rescue team, his gaze nonchalantly shifted towards the closet. His expression twisted and his gaze widened. His desire to let out a piercing cry was stifled, leaving him unable to release the pent-up fear. Within the depths of the closet, lurked the ethereal forms of three men. Three unfortunate souls who met their tragic end in that very closet, their red ties wound around their necks serving as a haunting reminder of their despair.
It was truly incredible. Was he seeing things? It is quite possible that he was merely conjuring up these visions, you see. His thoughts were consumed by illusions, a consequence of the overwhelming stress he experienced. What he had uncovered in the reports and the newspaper clippings started to consume him. Within the depths of his mind, a world unfolded, brought to life by the power of his imagination. Yasu let out a nervous laugh. He glanced over at the closet again and saw that the three ethereal forms were still lurking there. However, this time around, something was different. Their barely audible voices appeared to be beckoning to him, addressing him by name. How did they know his name?
Yasu, Yasu! Yasu, come here. Yasu, Yasu!
The echoes of his name reverberated through his mind, pushing him to the brink of insanity. Even if they were mere creations of his mind, he had no control over them. He desperately covered his ears, frantically trying to escape their incessant calls. However, they persisted, relentlessly calling out his name.
Suddenly, Yasu found himself completely helpless against the force that was tugging him closer and closer to the closet. His weary legs trudged forward, defying the protests of his exhausted mind. Yasu let out a piercing scream, filled with desperation and fear. “No! Please stop!"
The whispers persisted, and it so happened that Yasu was wearing a black suit, a white shirt, and a bright red tie.