Summer Chiller: Jiko Bukken - Part Two

Yasu Matsumoto, a skilled real estate agent from Black Ship Realty, embarked on a mission to find the perfect property for his client. After much searching, he reluctantly shared a listing for a "mansion" located in Aobadai, Meguro-ku. This property was priced at over 50% less than the average mansion in the area. The client's enthusiasm was palpable as he eagerly requested to view the property without delay. After sitting empty for more than a year, the property had become a burden for the property management company, who were desperate to find a solution. Yasu had no problem securing an appointment.
With the keys in hand, Yasu stood patiently outside the building, eagerly anticipating the arrival of his clients. At exactly 10:00 AM, Jun Sato and his fiancee Miyu Uchida arrived to view the property. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and the couple were eager to explore their potential first home. They entered through the lobby and rode the elevator up to the fourth floor. Yasu inserted the key into the lock, giving it a gentle twist. With a click, the door swung open, revealing what lay beyond.
As the sun shone brightly through the expansive floor-to-ceiling windows, it unveiled a spacious living area. In a flurry of excitement, Miyu hurried inside and eagerly peered out of the windows. Her face lit up with a wide grin as she turned towards Jun. Jun stepped into the main bedroom to give it a thorough inspection, while Miyu made her way into the sleek and modern kitchen. Their hearts were filled with joy. The property possessed all the desired qualities and was priced well below their budget, allowing them to fulfill Miyu's long-held dream of having a grand wedding.
Delighted by her fiancee's adeptness in dealing with the real estate matter, Miyu affectionately embraced him and declared that they would proceed with the purchase. Despite his guilt over withholding the property's true nature from Miyu, Yasu managed a faint smile and invited the couple to the real estate office, where the contract would be drawn up. The sale was completed smoothly and the couple quickly settled into their new home, catching a glimpse of what their future married life would hold.
After a few weeks had gone by, Yasu felt it was time to reach out to his clients and check in on their progress, as was customary for the real estate agency. He dialed Jun's phone number, only to be greeted by Miyu's voice on the other end. Her voice was filled with nervous energy. When Yasu inquired about the current situation and whether they had settled in, Miyu paused before responding with a hesitant "Yes, but..." As Yasu demanded to know what was happening, a knot formed in his throat. Miyu said that they enjoyed their new home during the day, but that she felt uneasy during the night. She said she had a sense that someone was watching her. Hearing this, Jun snatched the phone away from Miyu and started talking to Yasu. Miyu was simply nervous about the impending wedding, he reassured him. To him, it was all good. Even though Yasu did not believe him, he nevertheless said goodbye and ended the call. For some time, he sat quietly at his desk, trying to make sense of what had transpired.
He struggled to remember every detail of the day the couple walked into his office, seeking his assistance in their quest for the perfect property. He recalled choosing the crimson folder, its spine adorned with a label bearing the name Meguro. He couldn't fathom why he had chosen that particular property when there were numerous other options in the area that would have met his client's needs. It's almost as if a mysterious force led him to discover that particular property in Aobadai.
Curiosity tugged at him, compelling him to venture into the depths of the back room. With a swift motion, he retrieved the key from his pocket and effortlessly opened the cabinet. With a sense of anticipation, he extended his hand towards the crimson folder, its spine labeled with the name Meguro. He crouched down in the shadowy storage room and retrieved the listing. He studied it once more, as if searching for hidden clues. He found the previous agent’s notes attached to the listing. Indeed, a multitude of notes had been meticulously gathered by the numerous agents responsible for managing the property. A collection of notes and newspaper clippings that chronicled the various incidents that took place at that particular location. Why hadn't he taken the time to review the notes beforehand? Did the notes exist on the day he unveiled the crimson folder to his clients? Uncertainty had taken hold of him. He immersed himself in the text, savoring each word as his imagination brought to life the vivid accounts described in the reports and newspaper clippings.
The construction of the building was finished in 2010. The original owner had lived in that specific unit for three years before it was put up for sale. Yasu's gaze shifted towards the newspaper clipping. The man's name was Masayoshi Son. He was a prosperous business owner who encountered the trials and tribulations of a tumultuous divorce, which ultimately led to the unfortunate consequence of losing half of his fortune. At the age of 40, he began a fresh chapter in his life by purchasing the unit, eager to start anew. Everything appeared to be going smoothly until one fateful day, he mysteriously failed to show up for work. Following a series of unanswered calls, his assistant was dispatched to his home. Assisted by the property manager, she was granted entry into the unit, only to discover her boss suspended in the bedroom closet. His red tie, tightly wound around his neck, served as a haunting reminder of the tragedy.
In early 2014, the unit underwent a meticulous cleaning and received a fresh coat of paint before being made available for sale. In the absence of clear instructions from the Japanese government until October 2021, property transaction business operators were not required to disclose information about deaths to prospective buyers. Due to the circumstances, the suicide remained undisclosed. Yasu gleaned that information from his manager's report, which was attached to the listing. As he flipped the page, he stumbled upon yet another report penned by a former agent who had parted ways with the agency. One day, he vanished without a trace, leaving behind a cloud of mystery. Yasu pondered in silence, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before delving into the second report.
Another individual soon took possession of the fourth-floor unit, and like the previous owner, he too was single. He was a man in his early thirties, who pursued his passion for art within the comfort of his own home. Immersed in his unit for weeks and months, he dedicated himself to crafting his masterpieces, destined to grace the galleries of Tokyo. He had a certain air of uniqueness, as many artists do, and preferred his own company. He rarely engaged with his neighbors and only reached out to the property manager when he required maintenance to be performed.
As a result, his passing went unnoticed, his decaying body concealed within the confines of his secluded abode. It was only when the neighbors started to voice their grievances about a putrid odor permeating from his unit that the truth was unveiled. The police were summoned to uncover the severely decayed remains of the artist hanging in his bedroom closet suspended by a red tie. As recounted in a newspaper article from 2017, the coroner shared the intriguing details about the time of death. According to his estimation, the unfortunate event had occurred approximately 8-10 days prior. As the days passed, the body displayed distinct changes - a reddish hue from the breakdown of blood and the accumulation of gas in the abdomen. Yasu couldn't help but gasp as he looked at the haunting images captured by the crime scene photographers, his forehead glistening with sweat.
With the deceased being a prominent artist, it was no surprise that the incident received extensive coverage from newspapers and magazines. As a result, the unit remained unoccupied for two years before the arrival of its third owner. In August 2019, an elderly gentleman purchased the unit. The property was located near his beloved daughter's family. The old man sought solace and companionship from them after having experienced the heart-wrenching loss of his dear wife. Despite having read about the artist's suicide in the newspapers, he dismissed it, claiming that at his age, death was a constant companion. Furthermore, considering his modest savings, it was an exceptional deal. Little did he know, this new chapter of his life would be filled with unexpected twists and turns.
To be continued…